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New To Our School

Welcome to Marcus Whitman Middle School!

Registrar: (360) 874-6171

During the school year you can register during regular building hours 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday-Friday.

During the summer, our hours are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday-Friday.

Our building is closed during the month of July.

Online pre-registration is available year round.

Click the "Registration for New Students" link on the left to either pre-register your student online, or if you prefer, you can print out a hard copy Registration Form. 

**Please note that the pre-registration still requires you to stop by the school to complete the registration process. 

To enroll your student at Marcus Whitman Middle School:

  1. Please start by clicking on the "Registration for New Students", on the left, to pre register your student.
  2. When you complete pre-registration, an enrollment specialist will contact you for further information.
  3. You will need to provide the following documents from the previous school:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Previous School Records (Grade Reports, Test Scores)
    • Health information
    • Additional Services received (Special Education/IEP, 504 plan/Gifted/speech)

If you do not have your student’s previous school records, please call or email us, and we would be happy to request those documents from the school prior to your appointment. Request for Records

Administration of Medication at School State law dictates that all medications (prescription and OTC) require a physician's signature. The following form (157 Medication at School) must be completed and on file with the school nurse/Health Room for each medication to be administered. All medications must have appropriate labeling. As Needed: Administration of Medication at School

Registration Forms