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Attendance Information


You Miss Out if You Miss School

Regular attendance is vital to the quality of a child’s education. Parents are the key in establishing and maintaining punctual, regular attendance habits. Each school has specific attendance policies listed in student handbooks; parents are encouraged to review these policies with their students.

Early Dismissal 

Best practice is to send your student with a note the morning of the day you need to pick your student up. Please designate the time of pick up and if someone else will be picking them up other than yourself. Your student will be issued an Early Dismissal Pass and be released at the appointed time.  During school hours (not immediately before or after school) you may enter the staff parking lot and meet your student in the Main Office where you will check your student out.  If a note has not been sent with your student in the morning you will need to come to the Main Office and request your student's release.  We do not accept phone calls for early release.

Late Arrivals 

Students arriving after school starts are considered tardy. Tardies can be excused by a phone call, note or email to the attendance office and need to be done within 24 hours. After four unexcused tardies to school students will receive consequences. Students arriving more than 15 minutes late are considered truant; if not excused within 24 hours they will receive a consequence.


If a child is kept home due to illness, the attendance office should be notified as soon as possible. You may contact our attendance office directly by calling (360) 874-6170, by emailing or by using the Attendance Application on your Skyward account to report your student's absence.  School personnel will try to contact parents if this has not been done. 

Physicians advise that a child be fever-free 24 hours before resuming normal activity. Parents/guardians must provide a written explanation/excuse for a student to take to school the day he/she returns from an absence.

Homework Requests 

Parents may request that their child’s teacher(s) provide makeup assignments after the 2nd consecutive full day of absence. To make a homework request, please contact the Main Office at (360) 874-6172. Requests made before 11:00 a.m. will be available for pick-up in the Main Office at 2:45 on the following business day. 

Attendance Office

Jacque Meddles

Jacque Meddles

Attendance Specialist
Marcus Whitman Middle School